Tuesday, May 01, 2012

ATIT Reheated: Robert Hershon's wonderful poem, Ichabod

By Jack Brummet, Poetry Editor

Our reader and friend Pete wrote to us in January 2007, "I seem to recall a poem you published once (in email I think, not in the literary sense) that ended something like 'the shitheads that run the show.' Always like that one. How about a reprise?"

Alas, it wasn't mine, but the poem of Robert Hershon, a guy we knew in NYC, a poet, publisher, and editor. He has published over 10 books of his own poems, and through his press, Hanging Loose, published hundreds of other folks. Hershon's Hanging Loose does two incredible things: 1) They never, ever let a book they've published go out of print; and 2) Their literary magazine always include the works of fledgling poets/high school students. He was a great mentor for KeeKee and I when we were publishing our little magazine, Scape, in NYC, in the early 80's.  Bob writes some of the most trenchant and funny poetry I have ever read. This particular poem was probably written 30 years ago, but it could have been today.  Or tomorrow.


Everyone's first name means
Beloved of the Lord
or Bearer of Glad Tidings
or Valiant in Battle

except Ichabod
which means The Glory
has Departed

and must be considered
the name for the future
along with The Liar is Thriving
Unbearable Cruelty and
The Shitheads are Running the Show

- Robert Hershon
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